As you prepare for the state convention on May 13, we wish to focus your attention on a subject that is of great importance. At the convention, you will vote on a Constitutional amendment that eliminates the precinct caucus as the required foundation of the party. Your vote will determine whether the Utah Republican Party will remain by its rules a grassroots organization, or whether the foundational role of your precinct will be altered permanently.
In its present form, the Constitution requires that all county and state delegates be elected in a precinct meeting. No other primary mechanism is specified or authorized. Control over party affairs and selection of Republican candidates is therefore determined at the lowest level--the precinct.
The amendment (reproduced below) authorizes the transfer of power from the principal political jurisdiction--your precinct--and consolidates it within Party leadership structures:
Constitution XII.1.F. This section does not create a requirement that a county party
allocate all delegate positions to the precinct caucuses,
nor does it prohibit such an allocation.
Because the Constitution does not provide any primary means of delegate allocation other than to a precinct,
the amendment, if approved, would authorize other methods without restriction or definition.
Because most county party executive bodies have already misallocated delegate positions,
the amendment, if approved, would authorize these practices after the fact, and enable new ones.
Read the whole mailer from Grassroots GOP Delegates (which you likely received in the US Mail).
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